Wednesday, December 21, 2022

23rd International Elementz Fair

The 23rd International Elementz Fair was held entirely online on 19 April 2022 (Tuesday). Upper Secondary students from all secondary schools, and Junior College (JC) or High School equivalent students are eligible to participate. Each school can submit a maximum of five projects, with not more than five students in each project. 

SST is represented by the following student projects with their corresponding results:


BRONZE - Investigation of the effect of salt on the bacteria growth in kimchi 
Aisha Tang Binte Muhammad Taufiq Tang S2-04
Cheryl Lim Qian Xun                                 S2-04
Davina Seah Zhi En                                 S2-04

BRONZE - Investigation of the effect of fuel type on the power output of a microbial fuel cell
Faith Goh Ren Ying S2-02
Skyler Teo Jie En             S2-02
Lai Wenxi                        S2-02

MERIT - Investigation of the effect of sodium polyacrylate on the water percolation in soil     
Aiden Ong Xuan Rui       S2-04
Tan Yi Heng Ethan S2-04
Lim Xi Ian                S2-04

MERIT - Investigation of the effect of different cooking oils on the strength of a homemade biodegradable plastic 
Farah Mei Lynn Karl Daruwalla S2-03
Rachel Ho                                       S2-03
Jin Qin Yue                                     S2-03

MERIT - Investigation of the effect of hardness of water on the lathering of soap 
Vijaya Bhargavi         S2-08
Sarah Foo Zhi Ning S2-08

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