RP - Innovation Design Challenge 2017

The Innovation Design Challenge 2017 is organized by the Republic Polytechnic and co­organized by PIXEL Labs of Info­communications Media Development Authority of Singapore.
Objectives of the Innovation Design Challenge 2017
  • Expose students to hands­on experience
  • Develop innovation capabilities and entrepreneurial mind­set through product design and pitching solution
  • Expose students to design thinking process of empathy and define the needs of the user, ideate creative solutions, build a prototype and validate the prototype
  • Create awareness and interest in innovation

The scenario that requires an engineering solution is as follows:

Mark is staying on Island A. He wants to send a gift to his grandmother who is staying on Island B, which is connected by a bridge. He injured himself during a soccer game and thus, he is unable to send the gift personally. Could you help Mark to build a transport vehicle to deliver the gift? He only has DC motoros, batteries, wires and recycled materials.

SST was represented by 4 teams of students from Secondary 2 to participate in this competition and the following teams achieved the following awards:

First Runner-up: Team Alexus https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HYkELYImg-I 
Audrey Lew En Xi, Benedict Woo Jun Kai, Ean Kai Lew from S2-08
Merit Award: Team Far-fetched https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E-6bSu4UiZI 
Chloe Wong, Khrisha Mayilsamy, Low Ying Sui Raena from S2-04

Participation: Team EXNU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q1z0wdEIRkk Alya Sufiyah bte Mohamed Subhan, Chua Li Qi Eleanor from S2-07 Participation: Team Samurai https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7QADOT_9nh4&t=16s Chong Ing Kai, Elrond Hu KangSheng, Jeffrey Lim Htet Min Shein from S2-01

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