Green wave environmental care competition 2022

The "Green Wave" is our environmental care and protection project that aims to involve the community at large, particularly the students, to participate in learning about caring, protecting, maintaining and positively utilizing our environment so that individually and together, we can contribute towards the conservation and improvement of our environment for Singapore's sustainable environment.

Projects are judged according to the following criteria: 

Originality and innovation (30%)
This will include the treatment of the subject matter, approach and methodology

Relevance (25%)
How relevant and meaningful is the project against the objectives and intent

Impact / Sustainability (25%)
The extent to which the project affects the target group and bring about continual improvements. Merit will be given where the process of change and improvement involves the community at large, e.g. other students, parents, local community, representation from government to non-government agencies. How holistic is/are the project/s and whether the results/impacts are far-searching and sustainable

Project Product (20%)
The materials, evidence, etc used in the project presentation

SST is represented by the following teams: 

Investigation of the effect of sodium polyacrylate on water retention in soil 
Aiden Ong S3-08
Lim Xi Ian S3-07
Ethan Tan S3-07

Investigation of the effect of different cooking oils on the strength of a homemade biodegradable plastic 
Farah Mei Lynn Karl Daruwalla S3-06
Rachel Ho S3-06
Jin Qin Yue S3-02

The team “Investigation of the effect of sodium polyacrylate on water retention in soil"  has been awarded the Merit Award of $1,000.  The Team as also won the Team Award of $500. 

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