The Marine and Offshore Challenge (MOC) is a national competition organised by the School of Engineering, Ngee Ann Polytechnic on 12 July 2017. It is supported by the Association of Singapore Marine Industry (ASMI) and Singapore Maritime Foundation (SMF).
The event is further divided into two main competitions:
- Underwater Challenge
- Water Grand Prix
The MOC is open to all Singapore-based Secondary Schools. Students form groups of 2 to 4 members to participate in one of the above category.
The water grand prix challenge is to design and build a water craft model with good performance or innovation. Awards are given to
(a) performance: Speed and payload
(a) performance: Speed and payload
(b) design: most effective build, most realistic, most innovative hull design, most innovative propulsion design
The underwater challenge challenge is to design and build an innovative underwater craft model that is able to complete a designated mission. Awards are given to:
(a) performance: Speed and mission accommplishment
(b) innovation: most effective build, best workmanship and aesthetic, most innovative hull design
The following teams won awards:
(a) Underwater Challenge: Gold Medal
URO Flashbacks (S2-01)
Hu Kangsheng Elrond
Chong Ing Kai
Emmanuel Chew Rongzhu
(b) Water Grand Prix: Most Innovative Propulsion Design
S.S. Tetra (S2-07)
Keison Tan Jing En
Tew Jing An
Mikail S/O Faris Akbar
