- The ASTAR (Upper Secondary) Science Award is given to the top 2 Sec 2 students every year in SST. By being the top, the students must have achieved A1s in English, Maths and Science in the Sec 2 overall exams. The student must also have been active in Science & Engineering-related competitions and events.
- Science Camps usually lasts from 3 to 5 days. These camps are great opportunity for students to interact, learn and cooperate with students from other schools and countries. These camps cater to different student profile and interests. The main events in order of priority are as follows:
- International Student Science Fair
- International Youth Science Forum
- Singapore International Science Challenge
- Young Defence Scientist Programme
- STEP Sunburst Technology Camp
- STEP Sunburst Brain Camp
- STEP Sunburst Environmental Camp
- Discover Camp
- The Discover Camp is organised for all Sec 4 students every year, where they will attend a 3-day non-residential camp at NUS, NTU or SUTD. During these camps, the students will attend lectures and carry out an Applied Learning project. These camps provided our students with the experience of learning in the Universities.
- Science Research
- For all students, the "Investigative Skills in Science" module is the compulsory for all Sec 2 students. Top research projects will be selected by the respective teachers to be sent for local competitions. The main competitions are:
- North Zone Elementz Competition
- East Zone ASTAR Science Fair
- West Zone Students Science Symposium
- Singapore Youth Science Fair
- Science Castle by Leave-a-nest Foundation
- NUS High Research Congress
- For very interested students, they can be groomed for research competitions, such as:
- Singapore Science and Engineering Fair (Science Research)
- Engineering Projects
- There are many competitions organised by Polytechnics and Industries which caters to Engineering interest that are open-ended:
- Tan Kah Kee Young Inventors Award
- Chips@School Competition
- Energy Innovation Challenge
- Singapore Science and Engineering Fair (Engineering Projects)
- There are also other competitions that are topic-based:
- 3D printing challenge
- Renesas Grand Prix
- National Earthquake Competition
- Solar Sprint Competition
- Clean water competition
- Innovation Design Challenge
- Marine and Offshore Challenge (Underwater Challenge & Water Grand Prix)
- Underwater Robotics Olympiads
- South Zone Millennium Challenge (Rubber-band Car, Motorised Car, Bridge Building)
- Crystal growing competition
- Amazing Science-X Competition
- Singapore Amazing Machine Competition
- Singapore Amazing Flying Machine Competition
- Singapore Junior Water Prize Competition
- Green Environmental Competition
- Quizzes
- National Science Challenge
- CB Pauls Science Quiz
- Singapore Youth Physics Tournament
- Junior Physics Olympiad
- Junior Chemistry Olympiad
- Junior Biology Olympiad
- Bio-medical Quiz
- Australian Chemistry Quiz
- Field trips are arranged for students every year for each level. Although the topics are not specific, it will cover the following categories:
- Environmental Science Field Trip
- General Science Field Trip
- Astronomy / Earth Science Field Trip
- We have been to Busan Science High School, the Space Camp in Alabama and the Lombok Shark conservation programme.
- IRAP (Industrial Research and Attachment Programme) is an initiative of SST to cater an Applied Learning environment for SST students. During the June and November/December holidays, 5 to 10 day IRAP sessions are created for students of different interest. Examples include:
- Volunex Pte Ltd (3D Printing)
- Piasim Pte Ltd (Use of Arduinos and Annikken Andee)
- XPC@Home-Fix Pte Ltd (Woodwork, Metal work and general making)
- Makedemy Pte Ltd (Making)
- N&N Pte Ltd (High Technology Egg Farm)
- IMDA PIXEL Lab @ National Library Board or @ National Design Center (Making)
- Ngee Ann Polytechnic (Center of Innovation in Marine & Offshore Technology)
- Ngee Ann Polytechnic (Center of Innovation in Energy & Water Technology)
- Infineon Learning Experience (Infineon Pte Ltd)
- Every year, the school will organise a few talks for the Science TDP students. These talks are also open to the non-Science TDP students. These talks can be hosted within or outside school.
- In 2017, we managed to invite Scientists from NASA and the local universities to give a talk to our students.
- Workshops are similar to camps except that they are usually conducted with the focus on skills acquisition only. Carried out over periods of 3 to 5 days, these workshops are usually conducted in preparation for a competition or for the certification of awards (such as the Young Engineers Award).
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