Innovation Design Challenge 2018

The Innovation Design Challenge 2018 is organized by Republic Polytechnic and co­organized by RS Components Pte Ltd.

The objectives of the Innovation Design Challenge 2018 are as follows:

1. Expose students to hands­on experience

2. Develop innovation capabilities and entrepreneurial mind­set through product design and pitching solution

3. Expose students to design thinking process of empathy and define the needs of the user, ideate creative solutions, build a prototype and validate the prototype

4. Create awareness and interest in innovation

The problem statements are given as follows:

SST students achieved the following awards:  


Hafiz Thariq bin Sadali, Mohamad Zuhairi bin Zainudin, Joel Chew Keng Hian (S2-01)

First Runner-up 

Chloe Wong (S3-04), Abigail Tan Huey Ern (S3-06), Khrisha Mayilsamy (S3-03) 

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