Singapore Science and Engineering Fair 2020

The Singapore Science & Engineering Fair (SSEF) is a national competition organised by the Ministry of Education (MOE), the Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) and the Science Centre Singapore (SCS). The SSEF is affiliated to the prestigious International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF), which is regarded as the Olympics of science competitions.

This competition is an excellent platform for our budding scientists and engineers to showcase their passion in their respective fields through communicating their findings to industry experts. Winners will even get to represent Singapore and compete at the ISEF. SSEF award winners will also be eligible to move on to the A*STAR Talent Search (ATS) competition.
SSEF is open to all secondary and pre-university students between 15 and 20 years of age. Participants can submit research projects which are student-initiated or from programmes such as Youth Research Programme (YRP), Nanyang Research Programme (NRP), Science Mentorship Programme (SMP), Science Research Programme (SRP) and Young Defence Scientists Programme (YDSP) or projects done at A*STAR research institutes and schools. The project topics range across all areas of science and engineering.

On 7 Feb 2020, the DORSCON level was raised to Orange with regards to COVID-19 situation. MOE has implemented precautionary measures which include the suspension of inter-school and external activities until the end of March school holidays. The SSEF 2020 is thus unable to take place on the original dates of 10 to 12 March 2020.
The Revised Final Judging Round for SSEF2020 involves a smaller scale, with two key changes:
  • (a) The on-site final judging round will be converted to online judging. 
(b) Participation of SSEF 2020 will be limited to student participants, teachers and judges only. The public will not be involved. 

SST submitted a total of 5 projects in the main category and 4 projects in the junior scientist category.

Main Category
Project codeProject titleName of Students
EA014Reducing beach repair costs by altering the coastal shapeChristabel Lee; Loke Yi Ming
EP004Investigation of coil radius on the efficiency of wireless power transfer via resonant inductive couplingMatthew Liang
MI013Immobilization of Saccharomyces cerevisiae using BioNOCâ„¢ II microcarriers as support and investigations of its applicationsLam Yan Yu; Goh Ann Kyee; Nadrah Nabiha Binte Mohd Fairus
PH025Development of a Radio Telescope for VLF ObservationSeow Kit Hint; Cao Shangyu [NJC]
PS014Comparison of Amaranthus and Soy Bean Seeds Protein Content and its Feasibility as a Plant Protein SourceJustina Tan Sue Ching [NJC];  S Venisha [NJC]; Daryl Teo;

Junior Scientist Category
Project codeProject titleName of StudentsYoutube
JBI022Effect of Electricity on Garden Cress in hydroponicsShaun Max Sudhakar; David Goh Dewei; Mah Tzeng Ee Faith
JBI028Imvestigation of 5.8 GHz on the growth of the garden cressMohan Preethi; Ang Xuan En; Rachel Ng Li En
JPH002Determining the Mass of JupiterNguyen Ngoc Bao Tram; Gan Simru Dayna
JPH005Effect of temperature on the magnetic hysteresis effectTan Wei Zhi Sean; Chong Kai Yang

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