Engineering Innovation Challenge 2020

This competition aims to interest, excite and enable students to understand and experience how engineering plays a part in energy innovation. This is an annual event that provides an opportunity for Innovation for students from Secondary Schools, Junior Colleges, Polytechnics and ITEs to work with professional engineering and business mentors to design or invent a product to demo.

The competition will culminate in a Project Displays, Final Judging and Awards Presentation at the National Engineers Day (NED) in Singapore. The competition will take the format of multiple categories and levels.

Previously known as Energy Innovation Challenge, this is the 5th instalment of the competition sponsored by the National Research Foundation (NRF). It is jointly organised by the Institution of Engineers, Singapore (IES) and Science Centre Singapore with the support of the Ministry of Education.

The competition involves four categories:

(a) Secondary Schools
(b) Junior Colleges
(c) Polytechnics and ITEs 
(d) University, Singapore & International

Teams can be made up of either individuals or a team of up to four students. All team members MUST be from the same school.

Each school may allow more than one team, up to 10, to participate.

The competition eligibility requires the student(s) compete in their respective category based on their age and the level/class they are currently attending in the year of the competition.

All students, who may or may not be predisposed to science, math or technology, are welcome to participate in the competition. In fact, the competition aims to inspire, motivate and encourage students to acquire basic technical expertise while challenging the more experienced students. Participants will be given the opportunity and exposure to learn a range of skills, from design and building to finance, marketing, logistics management, arts, in order to research and build their product in this competition. 

The competition creates powerful mentoring relationships between the students and professional engineers, mechanics or technicians. The pool of mentors includes professional engineers from some of the world’s most respected companies. Students get to work closely with and learn from these “stars” of the engineering world. Such meaningful involvement of adults in students' lives serves to developing young people’s potential.

The journey of building a prototype and going through numerous rounds of revisions with consultation from experts allows participants to gain maturity, build self-confidence and have a greater appreciation of teamwork and professionalism. Students also have fun while building a network of friends and professional mentors who continue to enrich their lives.

The experience aims to enrich students':

(a) understanding about science, math, teamwork and the working world

(b) attitudes about teamwork to be significantly more positive after than before participating in the competition season

More details are found here: 

SST was represented by 4 teams of students the following are their projects: 

Team S-01 (1st Runner-up) 

Investigation on how the amount of ionising radiation affects the growth rate of Cigna radiate & Development of a Prototype to Optimize the Growth of Vigna Radiata
Kitti Ampon Chia De En, Karthikeyan Aakarsha Kannan, Koo Hong bin Don, Kevien Ketheesan (S2-07)

Their interview is found here:
Passcode is eic. 


Team S-02: 

Joshua Lok Jing Hung, Ethan Wang Jun Qi, Chiong Wei Jie Samuel, Maramag Luis Iñigo Ugay (S2-04)

Team S-03: 

Thi Han Soe Zaw, Tan Zng Hiong, Chong Yu Lin (S3-05)

Team S-04: Wu Wanghong (S3-03), Tay Yu Jie, Waiz Zul'Mateen Bin Mohamad Yusri, 
Aiman Bin Mohd Sufian (S3-06)

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