The space industry is gaining greater importance in our modern society. From the satellites that now propagate our atmosphere to the rockets launched by Elon Mask, the boundaries of space are beginning to crumple in the face of our imagination. Space Science and Technology are the twin disciplines that will propel us to see a bigger picture and to reach for the stars. In the near future, Space Science will be a major player in the evolution of our civilisation. At the end of the camp, students will be more aware about the trends and development of Space Science and Technology in the 21st century.
Theme 1: Multiple perspectives in Space Science and Technology
Students will:
· Gain awareness about the educational prospects in Space Science
· Gain awareness about the career prospects of a Space Science graduate
· Gain awareness about current space-based projects
Theme 2: Communication Science Activities:
Students will:
· Learn about the SDR as a receiver
· Assemble a SDR device using parts provided and purchased
· Apply the principles learnt to search for a satellite
· Reflect on the importance of communication in Space related activities
This is a team-based activity which requires students to assemble the parts of a satellite receiver. The equipment must satisfy the requirements needed for proper reception of signals to take place.
Day 1 - Tuesday 12 Jan 2021
Overview of programme
Briefing of challenge & Preparation of challenge
Day 2 - Wednesday 13 Jan 2021
Talks on Space Science and Technology by Dr Lee I-Te & Dr Loren Chang
Preparation of Challenge
Day 3 - Thursday 14 Jan 2021
Basic Antenna Theory & Reflection

We experimented with an app called "CubicSDR" where we tested different frequencies and attempt to connect to radio stations. I feel that this activity allowed me to better understand how different frequencies can lead to different types of radio channels which I felt was very interesting.
~Lucius Neo
We listened to different frequencies of radio waves and tuned in to radio stations and could listen to them. It was eye opening as it shows us how to work with a sdr (software-defined radio) and that the antenna provided shows how the signal gets distorted when you do certain things with it.
~Ang Ian
Day 1 was engaging as it was fun tinkering with the SDR. I believe it served well as an introduction to the project that we did. I was also introduced to weather satellite imaging. I found it to be an interesting field of work.
~Thangaraja Prasanna
Career: We learnt about the branches in and related to the field of Space Science, showing that one does not need to be a rocket scientist to work in this field.
Relevance to Content: We were given to opportunity to use the SDR and find FM radio stations and even walkie-talkie. Radio Waves are in our syllabus and this visualises how they work.
~Sahni Bhvya
I learnt a lot from the talks about space. Moreover, they also allowed me to learn more about what they do in this field of study, how to prepare a satellite for launch and what skill set you should have to pursue this field. We also started construction on the antenna.
~Teoh Li Lin
We watched videos from professors about their work in space science. it was very insightful as it gave me an insight into the world of space science and what people in that sector actually do. it made me consider this path in the future
~Low Ming Xuan Keane
We listened to talks from 2 different speakers and learnt many things about the space science, how it is applied and their experiences with space science. It was quite interesting listening to professionals share their experience and we can learn more from them.
~Chong Xuan He
We continued on our antenna making project. We learnt that we need to plan out everything clearly first before starting or else something can go wrong and we will have to restart again. Collaboration with our group members is important so that the task can be gone through efficiently. Overall, this was an enriching experience
~Shaurya Sharma
It was very fun to work together with teammates and build the antenna while we also came across some difficulties, it was still fun
~Htoo Thaw Lin
The building if out antenna and the sharing by the student alumni as helped me gain an understanding as to the physics behind space science as well as the applications they have.
~Edward Ho
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