Monday, December 23, 2024

NJC-STaR Quizzing and Symposium (30-31 Jan 2024)

The National Junior College Science Training And Research Quizzing and Symposium NJC-STAR Q&S was organsed between 30-31 Jan 2024. 

Chan Yi Qian’s (S4-02) and Paris Teh Shu Wen’s (S4-08) project was titled ‘Investigation of the fundamental frequency of the speaking voices of Singaporean adolescents’. 

Physiological and psychological changes to the human body during puberty is an area of concern for adolescents, parents and teachers. Investigating the change in the fundamental frequency of the speaking voices of Singaporean adolescents during puberty contributes to a greater understanding of changes during this period of development. Singapore students between the ages of 13 and 16 participated in our study. The participants read an excerpt and submit their voice recordings, which were analysed using the Praat software to determine the mean fundamental frequency, f0. Whilst the main limitation of this research is the limited sample size as well as the time constraints, we found that f0 decreased by 2.03Hz/month in males and 0.54 Hz/month in females by plotting a best-fit line. 

Chen Linyi Adele (S4-02) and Bagavathula Sai Neha (S4-09) worked on their project titled ‘Investigation of the diversity and distribution of dragonflies in Clementi Forest.’ 


The other participants included Zavier Ong Yong Zhi (S3-03), Ho Yuan Zhi Jayden (S3-06) and Goh Zong Da Bryan (S3-04), and Yeoh Tian Huai (S3-04) and Justin Ang Wen Jie (S3-04). 


Our students confidently showcased their well-honed research and science communication skills during the event. 

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