Sunday, February 18, 2024

Astronaut Al Worden Endeavour Space Challenge 2024

The “Astronaut Al Worden Endeavour Space Camp Challenge 2024”'s objective is to inspire our students and encourage them in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics subjects.  

The prize for this Challenge is a sponsored trip to attend the International Space Camp program taking place in Huntsville, Alabama, USA from 3 to 13 July 2024 for four students and a teacher/chaperone.

The mission statement is as follows: 
Propose a mission concept that allows mankind to reach Proxima Centauri, the nearest star system (closest to the sun). 

The Challenge is as follows: 
Interstellar travel takes thousands of years and mission architectures range from "generation ships" to blasting nuclear bombs to propel a spacecraft to a significant percentage of the speed of light (project Irion).

Justify: To justify crewed exploration vs robotic exploration into the star systems
Solve: Moral issues encountered with a large community living in a confined environment for an extended period of time
Transform: How life can be supported during the travel duration to star systems e.g. food supply, air quality 

The result of this challenge is given out on the 22nd Feb 2024 at the Singapore Air Show. 
Team 10 came in first and is awarded the scholarship to Space Camp @ Alabama, USA.

Team Space Bar - IAN ANG KAI ERN (S3-01), CHACE TAN BOON KEONG (S3-06), HAN JEONG SEU CALEB (S4-01),  NEVYN NEO (S4-07).

Team Aerodynamically on target - KWEK EN XIN RISSA (S3-03), LEE HAU YEE (S3-05), EMMANUEL YEE HONG WEI (S3-01), TAN KAI HANG (S3-01).

Team Ethan Revolution - DENNY YING XIANG (S3-07), JAKE LING KAE EUN (S4-01), ETHAN NG ZHENG RUI (S4-06), AXEL TEE YU LE (S4-08).


Saturday, January 27, 2024

STEM Playground Grand Finals 2023

The STEM Playground 2023 Grand Finale was held at the Science Centre Singapore on the 15 November 2023 from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. The theme for the STEM Playground 2023 Grand Finale will be “The Beginning of the Evolution of diet”. For the Challenge, participants will be tasked to build a contraption that can launch a projectile to score points.

Each school can register up to 5 teams of 4 students for this Grand Finale.

SST is represented by 4 teams of students as follows:

Team Alpha - Jairus Tay Sia Tat, Kegan Ho Zen He, Warren Ng Thye Jiat, Keeren Ng Ren Hur (S1-09)

Team Gamma

Nathan Quek Yi Kheng, Yeoh Tian Huai, Ganguly Rishav, Justin Ang Wen Jie (S2-04)

Team Mad Scientists

Gedeon Koh Jing Yi (S1-04), Tessa Lee Jin En (S1-02), Ang Liang Tze (S2-01), and Avyan Mehra (S1-06).

Team Epsilon

Warad Sanath Manjunath, Seerat Dhaliwal, Soh Yu Long Anson, Koh Ean See (S1-01). 

Team The Mad Scientist obtained 2nd Runner-up in the competition. 

International Students Science Fair 2023 @QASMT


ISSF 2023

International Students’ Science Fair

Queensland Academy for Science Mathematics and Technology, Australia 

4-8 December 2023 

The International Student Science Fair (ISSF) is an opportunity for students from around the world to come together to learn and share in a multicultural environment. Secondary school students of the International Schools Science Network (ISSN) community and its associated members, will engage in scientific research exchanges.

The theme for 2023 is Sustainable Futures, in recognition of our joint commitment to value our natural environment.

Those attending from schools around the world will benefit from this experience made possible through the partnership and connection with The University of Queensland, who are the major sponsors of the ISSF 2023.

SST is represented by Mr Chan Choon Loong as the Principal delegate and Mr Tan Hoe Teck as the teacher delegate. The student delegates from SST are:

Aathithya Jegatheesan (S3-01)

Chan Yi Qian (S3-02)

Lee Zheng Ting Colin (S3-04) 



The Values of the ISSN are:

RESPECT: for the cultural diversity, values, traditions, beliefs and expertise brought to the ISSN by each member school;

COLLABORATION: in good faith, with all partner schools, we share our expertise, ideas and, where appropriate, resources, for the benefit of all our students and the promotion of excellence in science awareness and education more globally;

SUPPORT: for each member school, to allow opportunities which might otherwise be inaccessible;

SENSE OF COMMUNITY: built to allow us to have a reasoned and credible voice for the purpose of the continued advancement of science and science education across the world.

The 2023 Global Sustainability Development Report highlights the urgent need for accelerated action to occur in actioning the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as we head towards the 2030 target. The report recognises the powerful role science plays in supporting the development of practical solutions. 

This fair seeks to focus our collective attention on the key sustainability issues highlighted by the SDG, with a particular focus on Goals 7, 11, 12, 13 14 and 15. To this end, we ask schools to align their student research presentations to one or more of these goals, under our overarching theme of Sustainable Futures.

The events during the ISSF 2023 includes the following main categories: 

(a)   Opening Ceremony

(b)  Student Science workshops

(c)   Teacher sharing session and school tour


(d)  Poster presentation


(e)   UQ tour with Ambassadors

(f)    STEM workshops


(g)   Studying at UQ presentation 

(h)  Student Oral Presentations 

(i)    First Nations Cultural performance Cultural performances 

(j)    Lone Pine / Local excursions 

(k)   Star Party Night 

(l)    Day trip to North Stradbroke Island 


(m) Queensland Museum, Art Gallery and Spark-Lab 

(n)  Closing Ceremony  



The ISSF 2023 Participating Schools are: 

1. Australian Science and Mathematics School - Australia

2. Brisbane Boys College - Australia

3. Darwin High School - Australia

4. John Monash Science School - Australia

5. Newton Moore SHS - Australia

6. Queensland Academy for Science Mathematics and Technology - Australia

7. New Generation School Preah Sisowath High School - Cambodia

8. Fort Richmond Collegiate - Canada

9. Experimental School of Beihang University - China

10. Budi Mulia Dua International High School - Indonesia

11. Ritsumeikan High School - Japan

12. Tokyo Tech High School of Science and Technology - Japan

13. Budhanilkantha School Kathmandu - Nepal

14. Brookhouse School - Kenya

15. New Beginning International School of Mongolia - Mongolia

16. St-Odulphuslyceum - Netherlands

17. Philippine Science High School Main Campus - Philippines

18. Korea Science Academy of KAIST - Republic of Korea

19. Moscow South-Eastern School named after V.I. Chuikov - Russia

20. National Junior College - Singapore

21. NUS High School of Mathematics and Science - Singapore

22. School of Science and Technology - Singapore

23. Chulalongkorn University Demonstration Secondary School - Thailand

24. Kamnoetvidya Science Academy - Thailand

25. Mahidol Wittayanusorn School - Thailand

26. Galaxy International School Uganda - Uganda

27. Camborne Science & International Academy - UK

28. Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy - USA

29. Lewiston-Porter - USA

30. West Aurora High School - USA


Comments of our students are as follows: 


I think that the Brisbane Trip was very eventful because I managed to learn about Australia’s culture and education system (Lee Zheng Ting Colin, S3-04). 

I enjoyed the Brisbane trip as it allowed me to look at a diverse range of science projects and meet more people (Chan Yi Qian, S3-02)! 

I enjoyed interacting with people from all over the world, forging international friendships, and learning valuable life lessons (Aathithya J., S3-01). 

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Busan Science Overseas Learning Experience Programme 2023

The Busan OLEP 2023 was held between 12 to 21 July 2023.

10 SST students, 2 teachers and the school principal participated in the event. 


1. Objectives:

● Collaborate with the counterparts from Busan Science High School on a science project with focus on technology and sustainability.                                             

● Participate in the Asian Youth Education Forum as presenters and participants.

● Exchange and appreciate the diverse cultures of Singapore and South Korea

● Provide students the opportunities to forge relationships with their counterpart across the borders.


2. Exchange Programme at Busan Science High School

● Welcome Ceremony & School Tour

SST school leader, staff and students were welcomed by BSS school leaders, staff and students with hospitality. A welcome ceremony was conducted with sharings by BSS and SST school leaders. At the end of the welcome ceremony, gift exchanges followed. We were also brought around the campus, which included an Observatory and its dormitories.

● Lesson and Club Experience at BSS

An ice-breaking session was facilitated by BSS staff, where students learnt more about one another. Students had the opportunity experience school life at BSS. They accompanied their buddies to classes such as Math and Essay writing. They also attended club activities with their buddies such as book club, ensemble and hip-hop.

● Collaboration between SST and BSS students on Ocean ICT Project

Students have embarked on an ICT project with titles such as ‘An eco-friendly solution to solve the optimal pH and its effects for marine life’ and ‘Safety Problems and the Impact on the Marine Environment by the Construction of the New Airport on Gadeok Island in Busan’. SST students will be supporting the BSS students in terms of scientific research required for the programming aspect of the project. Some of our students are involved in both the scientific research and programming component of the project. This gives students to compare and contrast data pertaining to the research from both Busan, South Korea and Singapore. It is expected that the project will be showcased in January 2024, when Busan students visit.

● Research & Education at Universities/BSS

Students visited Kyung Sung University, Pusan National University or the laboratories at BSS for the R&E programme. They were involved in the research programme such as confirmation of androgen synthesis inhibition mechanism caused by environmental hormones, detection of alkaline phosphatase using two-cycle redox cycling and exploration of power efficiency improvement through rotor structure change of rotor sail ship.

● Homestay

Students headed back to stay with their buddies for two nights. The families of the buddies brought SST students around Busan, creating cherishable, fond memories with one another and a profound sense of gratitude. From the moment SST students stepped into their host family's home, they were greeted with warm smiles and genuine hospitality. All students met up with BSS staff, Ms Kim Minji for dinner on the last evening of homestay.

●      Reflections from Students

The following are some excerpts from the reflections from our SST students.

Briefly summarise some key things that you have learnt/observed today at BSS.

‘Today, i continued to work on collaboration work with the students from Busan Science High school. We found many flaws in our solution as it is not feasible and difficult to detect the colour change of the corals, hence we change it to detecting the temperature and salinity of the water.’


How did you feel during the homestay?

‘I felt really glad and happy that i was able to stay at their house as i thought it would have been very awkward, but they were really nice and treated me well.’

What are the similarities and difference between Singapore and Korean youths?

“One similarity is that both are hardworking and very grades oriented, they feel stressed about school and tend to go for a lot of tuition. Another similarity is that they also can go out at night and feel safe (sometimes). One difference is that they have a lot more fun things to do so they can unwind a lot more, they also like to create memories and have lots of fun.”


3. Asian Youth Education Forum 

● Opening Ceremony (performance and keynote speech)

Keynote Speech titled “Ocean, Plastic and Science” by Dr Shim Won Joon from the Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology. 

Nanta Performance by Busan Tourism High School Students.

In his speech, Dr Shim introduced to the students the various issues with the use and improper disposal of plastics in the world, focusing on synthetic polymers, which can be fragmented and broken apart through photodegradation instead of biodegradation. These microplastics will then spread in the marine environment and eventually get ingested by the various aquatic life in the sea.  

A memorable phrase that he mentioned brought across the key idea that we eat what we throw and that currently, we are consuming 5g of plastic, equivalent to a credit card, per week. He also brought in the idea of how there has been research that brought to light the fact that microplastics can be found in our bloodstream.  

Students were able to take away quite a fair bit from this speech, and many have indicated a better awareness and understanding of the need to reduce the use of plastic.

One of the students, Erica Seah, also posed a question to Dr Shim on whether Shrilk, a degradable bioplastic derived from shrimp shells and silk protein, is environmentally friendly and if there are any possible consequences in the shift to making use of Shrilk. 

Dr Shim explained that there are more harmful additives in shrilk as bioplastics degrade easily and rapidly. Hence there is a need to add more additives to maintain the structure and serve its purpose. When these bioplastics degrade, the product is compatible with nature, but the harmful additives added can potentially cause other issues. 


● Discussion

Students from Busan Science High and School of Science and Technology had group discussion sessions on the 17 UN Sustainable development goals, with the focus being goals 13, 14 and 15, Climate action, life in water and life on land. 

The discussions organised by the 2 Korean Teachers, Ms Kim Min Ji and Ms Moon Hee Eun probed the students to think deeper on the impact that their actions have on the environment, ranging from the carbon footprints that they have to the diets that they have (vegetarian VS non-vegetarian). 

Students had a great time interacting with their Korean peers and together, they came up with a short group presentation to the other groups. 

● Talent and Cultural Show

Students worked together to put on two different performances for the Cultural Night and Talent Show, respectively. 

The Cultural Night performance was a skit that brought the audience through the various tourist destinations in Singapore, including a short performance of the National Day Song “Tomorrow’s Hear Today”. All ten members of the team were involved in the performance, with the skit being planned and led by Sai Neha, Jonathan Lee Juin Yeung, Adele Chen Linyi, Erica Seah Jue Jia and Paris Teh Shu Wen. 

The Talent Show consisted of three different songs chosen by the students. 

The first song, “Rises the Moon”, was sung without any soundtracks by Chua Zi En, Erica Seah Jue Jia and Alethea Tan Si Ning. 

The second piece, “I want it that way”, was sung by Nigel Wong Jia Le, Jake Ling Kae Eun, Jonathan Lee Juin Yeung, Koh Yang Bing, Paris Teh Shu Wen, Chua Zi En and Alethea Tan Si Ning. 

The final piece, “You Belong with Me”, was sung by the whole team, with all 10 students on stage guiding the audience through a sing a long session of one of Taylor Swift’s classic songs. 


● Tour around Busan

As the Asian Youth Education Forum ended, the organisers arranged for a short tour of some areas in Busan. The tour brought the students to the Korea National Maritime Museum and the City Hall, where students were able to find out more about the history of the World Expo as well as the upcoming 2030 World Expo that will be held in Busan. 

In addition to that, the students were also given an opportunity to visit the Busan Science Center, Busan National Science Museum, and the National Memorial Museum of Forced Mobilisation under Japanese Occupation during this trip. The visits to the various museums exposed the students to the various perspectives of history and interesting scientific discoveries and concepts. 

● Reflections from Students


The following are some excerpts from the reflections of our SST students.

What are your takeaways from the keynote speech by Dr Shim Wonjoon? How will you adopt discomfort into your life for the benefit of the environment?

‘It was a thought-provoking presentation that was quite refreshing. It's not often a presenter straight-up tells you that humans should face whatever consequences they face from climate change. The fact that he presented this to students shows something about the unwillingness to listen to those higher up (businesses and governments, I think). My main takeaway is that microplastic pollution is a more serious problem than anticipated.’

‘There are many microplastics found in the sea and are often consumed by sea creatures which are consumed by us humans.

“You eat what you throw,” as mentioned by Dr Shim Wonjoon, we are responsible for what we throw into the sea as it will cause us problems in the future, and many diseases may be spread from there.’


What will you do differently back in Singapore to lead your peers positively?

“I will be more friendly and understanding to them, like how the students from BSS were towards us, and I also learnt to be more confident to step out of my comfort zone, as it will provide me with many memories and precious experiences. I will be an example to my peers to exemplify the qualities that I have noticed in BSS (participation/ courage/ enthusiasm/ kindness etc.)”


Prepared by Ms Wong Koi Lin and Ms Praveena Sandra Mohan

Teachers-in-charge for Busan Science Overseas Learning Experience 2023


Friday, July 28, 2023

Singapore Youth Science Fair 2023

Organised by the Science Teachers’ Association Singapore (STAS), the fifth run of the newly launched new Singapore Youth Science Fair (this was known as Shell-Singapore Youth Science Fair from 1990s to 2012). Started in 2014, SYSF is designed to promote science education, and attract mass participation of students at the Upper Primary and Lower Secondary levels. This biennial celebration of Science learning is sponsored by Abbott Laboratories, and co-organised by the Science Teachers Association of Singapore and Science Centre Singapore. 

The Award Ceremony and presentation of certificates will be held on Wednesday, 28 July 2023 in Science Centre Singapore from 2.00 pm. 

The theme for the 2023 Singapore Youth Science Fair is: Science for Sustainable Living. 

The categories for this year’s Science Fair are

(a) Engineering Sciences, 

(b) Information Technology, 

(c) Life Sciences, Environment and 

(d) New Endeavours.

The objectives of the Singapore Youth Science Fair are to: 

i. promote scientific study through investigative-type projects in science; 

ii. encourage the use of creative and innovative methods in problem solving; and 

iii. heighten students’ awareness and generate their interest in science research and technology development. 

SST is represented by 3 teams of students who won awards at the competition. They are: 



SST also bagged the Outstanding Participation (Secondary) Award 

Friday, July 21, 2023


Jointly organised by A*STAR and VJC, the science fair is part of the college's efforts to encourage and support our students to advance their pursuits and interests relating to the learning and applications of STEM to a high level of accomplishment. 

The aim of the science fair is to provide students with
• the experience of conducting an investigative science project and        
• a platform to share their findings and learn from others 

The science fair judging will be held online on 11 July 2023 and the prize presentation and sharing session will be held in person at VJC on 14 July 2023. 

There are three categories:
• Upper Secondary (East Zone)Open to East Zone Sec & East Zone IP schools (sec section) only
• Upper Secondary (Open) Open to all Sec & IP schools (sec section)
• Lower Secondary (Open) Open to all Lower Sec teams 

The nature of the research projects for submission will be classified as follows:
• Science
• Technology and Engineering
• Mathematics and Computing

SST submitted a total of 4 teams in total for this competition:

Investigation of the effect of different anti-biotics drugs on the groth of E.coli (SILVER)




Investigation of the effect of light colour on photosynthesis (MERIT)




Investigation of the acetaminophen in different fever and flu tablets 




Investigation of the time taken for the digestion of different forms of carbohydrates using analase




Team LS27 was selected to share their findings in one of the breakout sessions.

Team LS25 was awarded the Silver Medals

Team LS26 was awarded the Merit Medals.