TECH Summit @ SST Lab School (5 July 2019)

Title: Engaging digital learners through student labs

Student engagement is a key factor in successful learning. As such, student labs and experimental setups that enable learning through discovery and tinkering are valuable educational tools. Arduino offers open-source microcontroller kit that can be used as a data acquisition card. This technology allows students to combine a low-cost sensor with a data logger. With its open-source platforms, learning and sharing of ideas through the Arduino platform becomes very easy. These activities promote the sharing of ideas across the internet. Students can design the Arduino data logger to carry out data logging at different rates depending on the requirement of the experiment. They can troubleshoot and modify the Arduino hardware and software to change the logging parameters. This sharing session draws examples from the Physics and Chemistry curricula to demonstrate how learning can be enhanced through Arduino projects.

Jasper Koh and Prasanna (S2-06) shared their Arduino learning experiences with the audience.



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